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Being a stay-at-home wife is both challenging and fulfilling. One of the most important things to remember is to embrace the unique challenges and joys that come with this lifestyle. A weekly schedule is a MUST HAVE in my book.

do you really need a schedule ?
A homemaker with or without kids is a lot of work, it all goes down on what you choose to do on your own and what you choose to out source.
every homemaker daily schedule will look different, and will change with the seasons of the year and the seasons of life.
I believe that having a goal and a plan to accomplish will help you become the homemaker you wish to be, scroll down to learn how to do it.

Welcome! I'm Einav
Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!
a sense of routine
The concept of weekly schedule embodies a sense of routine – a sequence of actions regularly followed. if you have not yet read my post on my daily schedule you should check it out here. I go in depth of the pros and cons and point out helpful tips to overcome common difficulties.
The definition of a stay-at-home wife
Is a definition you and your husband choose togther. And it might look different for each and one of us.
This article is dedicated to stay-at-home wives without kids. as our daily schedule look quite different than wives with kids.
building a plan and a schedule
begin building you weekly schedule by writing down you goals for each of these categories under the umberlla term homekeeping:
Food and Nourishments
Cleaning and Organizing
Wellness of both you and you husband
Balancing Finances
I go in depth on each category down below
Food and Nourishment
anything you can think of related to nourishing our physical body.
some ideas:
1. growing your own food
2. preserving food
3. meal planning
4. baking and cooking homemade handmade food
5. Finding solutions to food sensitivities
6. hosting dinners and holidays
7. deciding if vitamins are needed
8. deciding on what type of diet you and your husband will consume
9. getting to know your local botcher and get important advice
10. finding the local food market and reaching out to local farmer
11. educating yourself with culinary courses
Cleaning and Organizing
one of the most important topics as it is not only the homemakers job to do but a practice every independent person should know.
1.keeping house clean to your liking
2. keeping the furniture in their best shape as possible, cleaning and fixing whats needed to be fixed.
3. cleaning the tiding the kitchen, keeping it as useful as possible
4. organizing and sorting the home “stuff” so you know everything you have and own
5. Being responsible of the physical house aspect, everything from mold, to renovating the kitchen, to finding a replacement tile for the one that broke
6. garden- seasonal flower, vegetable plants and garden furniture and hosting outside
read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:
Urban Farmhouse functional House Décor
Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space
Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trend
7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse
Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey
2024 Modern Homesteading – What You Are Missing Out
Urban Homesteading: A Guide to Thriving in an Urban Environment
From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide
small garden done right – 4 steps fun
EASY rooftop garden: master your Green Thumbs!

of both you and you husband… making sure you know how to improve your wellbeing, it’s important to note that while a homekeeper does take part in the wellness of the family. she is not responsible for it. meaning the husband is responsible for his own and his wife’s as much as she is.
1. sleep enough
2. balanced diet
3.Being exposed to enough sunlight and wearing sunscreen
4. Knowing how to deal with the different seasons of life stress
5.Exercising daily
6.Consuming moderate amount of alcohol if any
7.being social
8.practicing new and old hobbies

Balancing Finances
Managing the home’s finance means to let go of your limiting beliefs about money and take ownership of your money.
1.Set a timeline for your money goals. towards Building an emergency fund.
3.Create a diverse portfolio of investments.
4.learn more about the 50-30-20 rule
5.create a budget: weekly and monthly
6. Save first, spend later
7.Set financial goals:
8.Avoid debt
9.Track your spending.
10.Pay bills on time to avoid late fees.
Now after you have a rough idea of what you wish to accomplish throughout the week as a stay at home wife, you need to start filling your weekly schedule.
free printables
I made two free schedule printable, one beginning in monday and the other on sunday (for all my Jewish girlies).
While filling out your daily goals don’t forget :
add a section for “free time” for yourself at least once a dat, this can include anything from going out to coffee to watching your favorite TV show.
add some “self improvement” hours throughout the week. this section is very important and different than “free time” as it has a goal – to refine the things you wish to improve.

Benefits of a weekly schedule:
- improved Time Management and Focus.
- Reduced Stress and Better Organization.
- More Realistic Goals and Priorities.
- Complex Tasks Become Manageable.
In an era where everything is online, I made a printable guideline to building a weekly homemaking schedule to help you get started. check it out here

In conclusion, homemaking could be so beautiful and special, to help with the overwhelming aspect of it I highly suggest a weekly schedule to help be on top of your game.
and be sure to not forget yourself within all the chores and responsabilities.