
How To Become A Stay At Home Wife

What is a Stay at Home Wife?mA “Stay at Home Wife” typically refers to a woman who chooses to stay at home rather than work outside the home. Her primary responsibilities often include managing household tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, and possibly taking care of children if there are any. This role can vary greatly depending on the family’s needs and personal preferences.

Some stay-at-home wives might also engage in activities like volunteering, pursuing hobbies, or even working from home. The key aspect is that they are not employed outside the home in a traditional job setting.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

Being a stay-at-home wife can offer several benefits, depending on individual circumstances and preferences. Here are some potential advantages:

  1. Flexibility and Control: You have more control over your daily schedule and can manage household tasks at your own pace.
  2. Family Focus: It allows for more time to be spent with family, particularly if there are children. This can lead to stronger family bonds and more involvement in children’s lives.
  3. Reduced Stress: Without the demands of a traditional job, some people find they experience less stress and have more time for self-care and personal interests.
  4. Cost Savings: Not working outside the home can save money on commuting, work attire, and other job-related expenses.
  5. Home Management: You can dedicate more time to maintaining and improving the home environment, which can lead to a more organized and pleasant living space.
  6. Personal Development: There’s often more time to pursue hobbies, volunteer work, or even further education from home.

Of course, the benefits can vary greatly depending on personal goals and family dynamics.

The definition of a stay-at-home wife

A stay-at-home wife is a woman in a relationship who dedicates most of her day to being at home, managing the household. She often saves money by handling tasks herself instead of outsourcing them. This can include homeschooling her children, preparing meals from scratch, and making financial decisions to benefit the family.

Being a stay-at-home wife doesn’t mean she can’t have another job. Many people today work multiple jobs, but it does mean she spends most of her working hours at home.

common misconception about stay-at-home wifes

There are several common misconceptions about stay-at-home wives. Here are a few:

  1. They don’t work hard: Many people assume that stay-at-home wives have an easy life, but managing a household can be just as demanding as any full-time job.

  2. They are uneducated or lack ambition: This stereotype overlooks the fact that many stay-at-home wives are highly educated and choose to stay home for various personal or family reasons.

  3. They have plenty of free time: The reality is that household chores, childcare, and other responsibilities can fill up their entire day, leaving little time for leisure.

  4. They are financially dependent: While some stay-at-home wives may rely on their partner’s income, many contribute significantly to the family’s financial well-being through budgeting, managing expenses, and sometimes even working from home.

  5. They are isolated: It’s often thought that stay-at-home wives are socially isolated, but many have active social lives through community involvement, children’s activities, and social media.

  6. Their role is outdated: Some people view the role of a stay-at-home wife as a relic of the past, but for many families, it remains a practical and fulfilling choice.


let’s delve into the stay-at-home wife tasks mentioned above:

Homeschooling Her Children

Homeschooling involves taking on the role of a teacher for her children. This includes:

  • Curriculum Planning: Selecting and organizing educational materials and activities that align with her children’s learning needs and interests.
  • Daily Lessons: Teaching subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social studies, often tailoring the pace and style to each child’s learning style.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Incorporating activities like art, music, physical education, and field trips to provide a well-rounded education.
  • Assessment and Progress Tracking: Regularly evaluating her children’s progress through tests, quizzes, and projects to ensure they are meeting educational goals.

Preparing Meals from Scratch

Preparing meals from scratch involves:

  • Meal Planning: Creating weekly or monthly meal plans that cater to the family’s dietary preferences and nutritional needs.
  • Grocery Shopping: Selecting fresh ingredients and managing the household’s food inventory.
  • Cooking: Preparing meals using raw ingredients, which often involves more time and effort but results in healthier and more personalized dishes.
  • Baking and Preserving: Making bread, pastries, and preserves like jams or pickles to enhance the family’s diet and reduce reliance on processed foods.

Making Financial Decisions

Managing the family’s finances includes:

  • Budgeting: Creating and maintaining a household budget to track income and expenses, ensuring that the family lives within its means.
  • Saving and Investing: Identifying opportunities to save money and making informed decisions about investments to grow the family’s savings.
  • Expense Management: Monitoring and controlling household expenses, finding ways to reduce costs without compromising on quality of life.
  • Financial Planning: Planning for future financial needs, such as education, retirement, and emergencies, to ensure long-term financial stability.

These tasks require a diverse set of skills and a significant amount of time and effort, highlighting the important role that stay-at-home wives play in managing and supporting their families.

Balancing the diverse responsibilities of a stay-at-home wife can be challenging, but with some strategies and planning, it can be managed effectively. Here are some tips:

1. Create a Schedule

  • Daily and Weekly Plans: Outline daily and weekly tasks to ensure all responsibilities are covered. This helps in managing time efficiently and reducing stress.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Identify the most important tasks and tackle them first. This ensures that critical responsibilities are always addressed.

2. Set Realistic Goals

  • Manage Expectations: Understand that not everything can be perfect. Set achievable goals for each day and be flexible with adjustments.
  • Break Down Tasks: Divide larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make them less overwhelming.

3. Delegate When Possible

  • Involve Family Members: Encourage children and your spouse to help with household chores. This not only lightens the load but also teaches responsibility.
  • Outsource Selectively: For tasks that are particularly time-consuming or challenging, consider outsourcing if it fits within the budget.

4. Utilize Technology

  • Educational Apps and Resources: Use online resources and apps to aid in homeschooling and make learning more engaging for children.
  • Meal Planning Apps: These can help in organizing grocery lists, finding recipes, and planning meals efficiently.

5. Stay Organized

  • Declutter Regularly: Keeping the home organized can save time and reduce stress. Regularly declutter and organize spaces to maintain a tidy environment.
  • Use Planners and Lists: Keep track of tasks, appointments, and important dates with planners and to-do lists.

6. Take Care of Yourself

  • Self-Care: Make time for self-care activities like exercise, hobbies, or relaxation to maintain physical and mental well-being.
  • Seek Support: Connect with other stay-at-home wives or support groups to share experiences, advice, and encouragement.

7. Continuous Learning

  • Skill Development: Continuously learn new skills related to home management, cooking, or financial planning to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Educational Opportunities: Take advantage of online courses or workshops to enhance personal growth and knowledge.

8. Financial Management

  • Budgeting Tools: Use budgeting tools and apps to keep track of expenses and savings.
  • Plan for the Future: Regularly review and adjust financial plans to ensure long-term stability and security.

By implementing these strategies, stay-at-home wives can effectively balance their responsibilities and create a harmonious and well-managed household.

In conclusion, being a stay-at-home wife today is a powerful and transformative way of living. By setting realistic goals and embracing modern ideas, you can find great fulfillment in this role. Bringing a modern twist to the traditional role of a woman, you can enjoy a harmonious and balanced lifestyle that fosters family connections, upholds family values, and promotes well-being and personal fulfillment in the roles of both a woman and a wife.

Maintaining a sense of purpose and personal growth as a stay-at-home wife is essential for overall well-being and fulfillment. look out for the next post on some strategies to help achieve that.


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How To Become A Stay At Home Wife Read More »

Stay at Home Wife (NO KIDS) – Weekly Housekeeping

Being a stay-at-home wife is both challenging and fulfilling. One of the most important things to remember is to embrace the unique challenges and joys that come with this lifestyle. A weekly schedule is a MUST HAVE in my book.


do you really need a schedule ?

A homemaker with or without kids is a lot of work, it all goes down on what you choose to do on your own and what you choose to out source. 

every homemaker daily schedule will look different, and will change with the seasons of the year and the seasons of life. 

I believe that having a goal and a plan to accomplish will help you become the homemaker you wish to be, scroll down to learn how to do it.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

a sense of routine

The concept of weekly schedule embodies a sense of routine – a sequence of actions regularly followed. if you have not yet read my post on my daily schedule you should check it out here. I go in depth of the pros and cons and point out helpful tips to overcome common difficulties. 


this article is packed with helpful advice for all the amazing stay-at-home wives out there. We know this is a big decision, and taking it seriously is key.

The definition of a stay-at-home wife

Is a definition you and your husband choose togther. And it might look different for each and one of us. 

This article is dedicated to stay-at-home wives without kids. as our daily schedule look quite different than wives with kids.

building a plan and a schedule

begin building you weekly schedule by writing down you goals for each of these categories under the umberlla term homekeeping:

Food and Nourishments
Cleaning and Organizing 
Wellness of both you and you husband 
Balancing Finances

I go in depth on each category down below

Food and Nourishment

anything you can think of related to nourishing our physical body.

some ideas:
1. growing your own food

2. preserving food

3. meal planning

4. baking and cooking homemade handmade food

5. Finding solutions to food sensitivities

6. hosting dinners and holidays

7. deciding if vitamins are needed

8. deciding on what type of diet you and your husband will consume

9. getting to know your local botcher and get important advice

10. finding the local food market and reaching out to local farmer

11. educating yourself with culinary courses

12. trying out new foods to teach family about different cultures and grow their taste buds

Cleaning and Organizing 

one of the most important topics as it is not only the homemakers job to do but a practice every independent person should know.


1.keeping house clean to your liking

2. keeping the furniture in their best shape as possible, cleaning and fixing whats needed to be fixed.

3. cleaning the tiding the kitchen, keeping it as useful as possible

4. organizing and sorting the home “stuff” so you know everything you have and own

5. Being responsible of the physical house aspect, everything from mold, to renovating the kitchen, to finding a replacement tile for the one that broke

6. garden- seasonal flower, vegetable plants and garden furniture and hosting outside

read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:

Urban Farmhouse functional House Décor

Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space

Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trend

7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse

Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey

2024 Modern Homesteading – What You Are Missing Out

Urban Homesteading: A Guide to Thriving in an Urban Environment

From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide

small garden done right – 4 steps fun

EASY rooftop garden: master your Green Thumbs!


of both you and you husband… making sure you know how to improve your wellbeing, it’s important to note that while a homekeeper does take part in the wellness of the family. she is not responsible for it. meaning the husband is responsible for his own and his wife’s as much as she is.


1. sleep enough

2. balanced diet

3.Being exposed to enough sunlight and wearing sunscreen

4. Knowing how to deal with the different seasons of life stress

5.Exercising daily

6.Consuming moderate amount of alcohol if any

7.being social

8.practicing new and old hobbies


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Balancing Finances

Managing the home’s finance means to let go of your limiting beliefs about money and take ownership of your money.


1.Set a timeline for your money goals.
2.work towards Building an emergency fund.
3.Create a diverse portfolio of investments.
4.learn more about the 50-30-20 rule
5.create a budget: weekly and monthly
6. Save first, spend later
7.Set financial goals:
8.Avoid debt
9.Track your spending.
10.Pay bills on time to avoid late fees.

Now after you have a rough idea of what you wish to accomplish throughout the week as a stay at home wife, you need to start filling your weekly schedule.

free printables


I made two free schedule printable, one beginning in monday and the other on sunday (for all my Jewish girlies). 

While filling out your daily goals don’t forget :

add a section for “free time” for yourself at least once a dat, this can include anything from going out to coffee to watching your favorite TV show.

add some “self improvement” hours throughout the week. this section is very important and different than “free time” as it has a goal – to refine the things you wish to improve.

Benefits of a weekly schedule:

  1. improved Time Management and Focus.
  2. Reduced Stress and Better Organization.
  3. More Realistic Goals and Priorities.
  4. Complex Tasks Become Manageable.

In an era where everything is online, I made a printable guideline to building a weekly homemaking schedule to help you get started. check it out here

In conclusion, homemaking could be so beautiful and special, to help with the overwhelming aspect of it I highly suggest  a weekly schedule to help be on top of your game.

and be sure to not forget yourself within all the chores and responsabilities.

Stay at Home Wife (NO KIDS) – Weekly Housekeeping Read More »

Stay At Home Wife (NO KIDS) – Daily Routine HOW TO

A stay-at-home wife embodies several roles: she is a homesteader, a dedicated homemaker, and a person whose heart resides within the home. In this discussion, we’ll explore a typical daily routine for such a wife, emphasizing key priorities, maintaining a homesteading mindset, and achieving a harmonious balance between modern conveniences and a connection with nature.


Whether residing in a bustling city or tranquil countryside, choosing to be a child-free homesteader is an aspiration for many. while parenting is often a central goal in homesteading discussions, our focus here is on a situation where a wife embraces homes setting without being also a mom. This choice can be temporary or lifelong, but it’s essential to recognize that homesteading without children is a valid option.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

Now, consider this: blending the modern lifestyle – where the choice of having children is deliberate – with a simplicity of rural living evokes warmth and tranquility.


Being a stay-at-home wife without kids doesn’t preclude education. some find fulfilment and teaching other’s children, or even imparting knowledge to animals. this unique path leads to fulfilment joy and triumph across all aspects of life.

The role of a stay-at-home wife without kids: balancing tradition and modernity

Defining a stay-at-home wife without children involves embracing the essence of homesteading – a purposeful, hand-on lifestyle that melds timeless practices with elements of modern living. Here what it entails:

  1. Homesteading Heart: the homesteader builds a genuine home – a place where meals are prepared, tables are set and every corner reflects your personal touch. A homesteader prioritizes the essentials: shelter, sustenance and a nurturing environment.  
  2. Healthy Choices: the homesteader opts for health over convenience. This might mean skipping the smartphone in favor of a basic cell phone (sometimes humorously called a “dumb phone”). Car usage is minimized, and appreciated the slower pace of life.
  3. Personalized Decisions: each homesteader shapes their journey uniquely. What it means to be a stay-at-home wife varies – whether it’s tending a garden, crafting, or preserving food and traditions. The path is as diverse as the individuals themselves.

Should I work I shouldn’t I work while being a stay home wife?


The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all. Some stay-at-home wives immerse themselves fully in homemaking. Leaving little room for external work. They’re hands-on, managing household affairs with unwavering dedication. Others, influences by the modern world, choose to balance home life with employment. Some work remotely, finding confidence in their daily tasks.

and here’s a twist: community engagement. Many wives without children actively participate in their communities. They contribute without monetary gain – whether through volunteering, organizing events or supporting local causes. Their impact is immeasurable and appreciated by all.


Remember, being a homesteader isn’t just about physical labor: it’s a mindset – a deliberate choice to weave tradition and innovation into the fabric of daily life.


read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:

Urban Farmhouse functional House Décor

Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space

Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trend

7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse

Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey

2024 Modern Homesteading – What You Are Missing Out

Urban Homesteading: A Guide to Thriving in an Urban Environment

From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide

small garden done right – 4 steps fun

EASY rooftop garden: master your Green Thumbs!

The stay-at-home wife mindset


 The stay-at-home wife mindset is a blend of practicality, simplicity and self awareness. Whether you reside in a bustling city or the serene countryside.

Benefits of being a stay at home wife

1.improved mental health

2.cost savings

3.fulfilment in life

4.reduce stress five

5.self sufficient

6.healthier relationship with surroundings


The homemaker’s mindset : nurturing simplicity

Being a stay-at-home wife isn’t merely about physical location: it’s a state of mind. Her’s what to embrace

  1. Homemaking Wisdom: channel the homemaker mindset, and art passed through generation. It’s not about chores, it’s about creating a haven – a place where warmth and purpose intersect.

2. Amidst chaos and calm: chaos surrounds us – fast paced lives, Digital noise, and endless demands. but you should remain anchored. amidst the whirlwind, seek stillness – a touchstone for your identity.

3. Urban or Rural: whether you’re in a bustling city or the quiet countryside, carry the essence the home. The hum of traffic or the rustle of leaves it – doesn’t sway your core.


4. Self-Reflection: sip you tea or drink your coffee, who are you beyond rules and routine? introspection keep you grounded.

5. Family, regardless of size: your family whether a duo, or a bustling household, is your own canvas. infuse it with love, intention, and the spirit of homemaking. and remember the same mindset transcends wall it’s about weaving purpose into every thread of life.

Finding Balance between tradition and modernity:

Finding balance between tradition and modernity is a delicate dance one that our childfree homesteader navigate with Grace let’s export explore strategy cheese for harmonizing these these manly opposing forces

It was never about discarding heritage; it’s about molding future heritage while respecting cultural roots. Thrive at this intersection, honoring the past while embracing the future.


A daily routine of a stay-at-home wife without kids


Imagine waking up to the soft glow of dawn, the world stull hushed in slumber. For me, this early rise is my canvas – a day waiting to be painted with purpose.

  1. Extremely Early Morning (4:30 am):
  • The alarm buzzes, and I slip into workout gear. The quiet house is a witness to my dedication as a leave for my morning group exercise.
  • By 7 am I’m back home, energized and ready to tackle the day.
  1. Breakfast and Sunlight (7:00 am):
  • Breakfast is a must – a nourishing simple egg-based breakfast and sweet tea to start the day.
  • Air out the house, open the windows inviting sunlight to dance across the room. The house awakens.
  1. The Book Nook (8:00 am) :
  • An hour of reading – my escape into other worlds. Fiction, history or self-improvement.
  • The clocked nudges me forward
  1. Domestic Choreography (9:00 am):
  • Housework awaits. Today its laundry – sorting, washing, folding. The floors, too, crave attention.
  1. Midday Work (12:00 pm):
  • The laptop opens – a portal to my online endeavors. My blog – my passion project.
  • Work from home hours stretch until 9 pm as I juggle writing emails, reading, answering phone calls, organizing excel sheets and virtual meetings.
  1. Lunch and Dinner interludes (1:30 pm):
  • Amid work, I pause to nourish myself and my husband. A simple lunch protein heavy, today was left over chicken with Asian noodles and sauce.
  • Evening brings dinner preparation – as I still work I opt for a dish with a few minutes of prep and a longer cooking time, today was hard boiled eggs and vegetables.
  1. Evening Respite (9:00 pm):
  • Work winds down, I sink into the couch. A cup of tea soothes before I get ready to finish the day.
  1. Early Slumber (9:30)
  • The day symphony fades, I slip into bed, grateful for the quietude. Tomorrow awaits – a fresh canvas.

Alternate days:

  • Instead of early workout, I work in the garden, plant and clean the vegetables. Learning my way of working the land.
  • Somedays Instead of laundry and cleaning I preserve and make meals for the week. As we are two in the home making big batches last for longer.

Finding Balance between work and leisure

  1. Structured work hours:
  • I allocate specific hours for work – whether it’s managing my blog, my corporate job or online ventures.
  • Boundaries are essential : work stays within those designated hours
  1. Purposeful breaks:
  • During work, I pause for nourishing meals, lunchtime become a mini oasis and a chance to recharge.
  • These breaks prevent burnout and maintain focus.
  1. Garden Interludes:
  • On some days I work in the garden. Soil under the nails, sun in the face – ti’s therapeutic.
  • Gardening isn’t just a chore : it’s my sanctuary.
  1. Reading Hour:
  • Post breakfast I immerse myself in books, fiction, non-fiction or educational it’s my mental escape. Reading fuels creativity and broadens horizons.
  1. Evening wind-down:
  • As work house wind down I ease into relaxation. Maybe a cup of herbal tea or a stroll outdoors. This transition from work to leisure is deliberate.
  1. Early sleep:
  • Some days I retire early (depending on my morning alarm). Sleep is my reset button. Tomorrow’s tasks can wait : rest is non-negotiable.

Balance isn’t static – it’s a dance. I adjust my steps as needed, ensuring work and leisure harmonize.


Challenges as a child-free homemaker:

Social expectations – society often assumes that a homestead life revolves around family raising children teaching them skills and passing down traditions being a homesteader without kids may feel pressured to confirm this norm and explain her choice to neighbors, friends, and even family members


Labour intensity – homesteading demands physical work tending to crops caring for animals and maintaining the property without children to share the load she shoulders these responsibilities alone the daily grind can be exhausting especially during planting and harvest season


Isolation living in rural areas can be somewhat isolating even more so without children without events centred around kids means opportunities for social interactions and it is important to seek connection with like-minded adults


Aging and succession– homesteading is a long-term commitment as ages a homemaker must plan for the future without children there is a question on who will hurt the land there are always alternative arrangements mentoring homesteaders forming corporative communities or preserving legacy through conservation efforts


Remember, a child-free homesteading journey isn’t just about chores, it’s about intentionality, creativity, and savoring life’s simple pleasures.


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Stay At Home Wife (NO KIDS) – Daily Routine HOW TO Read More »

lemon with honey turned cake! must try new recipe

lemon and Honey is a favorite combination we love! This moist and delicious cake has a fresh pop of lemon flavour but is also very hearty and elegant. perfect for any season and loves by all!

Winter is here, and our lemon tree just keeps on giving. While the nights are longer and the days have less sunshine than I hope for.

But with winter come some of my favorite things, I love baking and trying new recipes in the winter, using the oven as a heating source as well as a place to bake. 

This season I enjoy soups, preferably with my amazing gluten-free noodles! for dessert I crave a hearty, sweet and soft buttery cake with hot tea served on the side.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!


From scratch recipes, self-sufficient living, and handmade projects straight to your inbox

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Why you will love this recipe:

Profesional quality!

This cake is an award winner hands down. everyone who ever tasted feel in love and mase sure to take another piece or two.

Seasonal –

This cake is made lots of ripe lemons. perfect for this season. 

Perfect for Hosting – This recipe makes the best hosting recipe

as it is easy to make a big batch, I usually make a double batch and it is always a crowd-pleaser.

Butter Based Cake VS OIL BASED CAKES


Texture and Moisture:

Butter makes a more moist cake due to its high fat content, it makes a rich and buttery cake. oil produces a more tender cake. keeping the cake moist without the butter flavor.

Flavor and Aesthetics:

if prioritizing flavor, you should go for butter. it yields a cake that is flavorful but may be slightly shorter. Oil-based cakes tend to be spongy and very high making them visually appealing.

Temperature Matters:

Room-temperature butter allows more air into the batter resulting in a flavorful and well-risen cake. while Melted butter provides intense flavor. oil can be used in a liquid form- avocado oil and olive oil for example or in a solid form like room temp coconut oil.

In summary, both butter and oil have their merits. If you want a light and fluffy cake, opt for oil. For a moist and delicious cake, choose butter. And now we know why room-temperature butter is prized in cake recipes!



Ingredients list:

  • Flour – All Purpose
  • Butter – room temp
  • Oil
  • Eggs
  • Honey
  • Cream
  • Sugar
  • Cream Cheese
  • Lemon juice
  • Lemon zest
  • Baking Powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Salt


measuring cups

measuring spoons

Mixing Bowl

Mixing Spoon

Mixer or whisk

baking pan

HOW TO MAKE THE BEST lemon and honey cake


Start by mixing the room-temperature butter with a balloon whisk, you can do this step by hand but it will need arm strength


Gradually add the sugar and honey, scraping the sides of the bowl keeping the mixture light and airy


Add a pinch of salt, vanilla extract and lemon zest and lemon juice and mix until completely incorporated and airy


Add the eggs one by one while mixing making sure between each addition the egg is fully incorporated

Step 5

Add the room temperature cream cheese and mix well still with the mixture

Step 6

By hand, mix in the flour, baking powder and baking soda slowly and carefully making sure there are no clumps of flour left but that you don’t beat all the air out

Step 7

Bake at 170c or 340f for 50-60 minutes to s until and toothpick comes out clean with a few light crumbs not doughy/creamy

the baked lemon cake should come out golden brown. to make it look extra appetizing sprinkle some powdered sugar on top

Step 8

Let cool, serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar

serve the cake with honey lemon tea and some tea herbs to make the perfect complement


Store in an air-tight container at room tempreture. Eat within 2-3 days for best results. 

I hope that you found this information to be helpful and that you enjoy making this amazing lemon and honey cake!

If you try this recipe and love it, I would love it if you could come back and give it 5 stars! 

Lemon and Honey cake

lemon and Honey is a favorite combination we love! This moist and delicious cake has a fresh pop of lemon flavour but is also very hearty and elegant. perfect for any season and loves by all!
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine international


  • 200 grams butter 7/8 cup
  • 70 grams honey 1/4 cup
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 5 tbsp oil (i used olive oil)
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 2 lemon (zest and juice)
  • 200 grams cream cheese 1 cup
  • 420 grams flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda


Step 1

  • Start by mixing the room temperature butter with a balloon whisk, you can do this step by hand but it will need arm strength

Step 2

  • Gradually add the sugar and honey, scraping the sides of the bowl keeping the mixture light and airy

Step 3

  • Add a pinch of salt, vanilla extract and lemon zest and lemon juice and mix until completely incorporated and airy

Step 4

  • Add the eggs one by one while mixing making sure between each addition the egg is fully incorporated

Step 5

  • Add the room temperature cream cheese and mix well still with the mixture

Step 6

  • By hand, mix in the flour, baking powder and baking soda slowly and carefully making sure there are no clumps of flour left but that you don’t beat all the air out

Step 7

  • Bake at 170c or 340f for 50-60 minutes to s until and toothpick comes out clean with a few light crumbs not doughy/creamy

Step 8

  • Let cool, serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar
Keyword cake, dessert, go-to, healthified, simple

lemon with honey turned cake! must try new recipe Read More »

Garden Plans Summer 2024

planting a vegetable garden for the first time? check out these tips for a successful harvest

Whether you live in a bustling city or a quiet countryside, achieving a successful vegetable garden a is an amazing goal. In today’s fast-paced world, finding a harmonious balance between urban living and the natural charm of growing plants is many’s ultimate goal.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

The course of a vegetable garden is very simple:

1. Plan your garden a few months ahead. 

2.Plant your seeds inside until “mature” leaves have grown 

3. continue by adapting your plants to the temperatures outdoors

4. planting your vegetable plants

5. watering and nurshing as needed

6. picking your fruit and vegetables 


This article will guide you through the first step of your vegetable garden – The Planning. 

what is a summer garden

summer garden is a delightful space where vibrant plants thrive during the warm months. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner, here’s what you need to know about creating and tending to a summer garden


When to Start a Summer Garden

Aim to get your plants in the ground by mid-July. This timing allows your crops to mature before the intense heat of late summer arrives. 


Vegetables That Thrive in the Summer:

Tomatoesokracornpole beans, and lima beans are excellent choices. These veggies can withstand high temperatures and continue producing fruit until autumn. Plant them by mid-July to avoid frost threats.

Keep in mind that these vegetables don’t handle cold temperatures well, so they’re perfect for the summer season.


So, roll up your sleeves, soak up the sun, and create your own slice of summer paradise! 

summer garden trends 2024

Prioritizing Pollinators

Creating a wildlife-friendly garden is a top trend in the summer garden 2024 trends.

Bees, butterflies, beetles, and birds are welcome guests so consider planting pollinator-friendly flowers like coneflowers, salvia, butterfly bush, cosmos, yarrow, sunflowers, poppies, and columbine. 


Vibrant Plant Colors

In 2024, plant colors will be bold and zesty with a touch of moody mauve. Expect shades like Cyber Lime (a neon green) to make a splash and look out for darker, moody tones such as burgundy, mauve, and black that will also feature prominently in planting schemes.


Drought-Tolerant Plantings

as a result of our climate changes, water-wise gardening has become essential. try and Opt for drought-tolerant plants that thrive even in warmer conditions to maintain a beautiful garden this summer.


Wellness Gardens

Gardens designed for well-being are on the rise. try incorporating calming elements like meditation spaces, aromatic herbs, and sensory plants. Therefore create a sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge.


From scratch recipes, self-sufficient living, and handmade projects straight to your inbox

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read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:

Urban Farmhouse functional House Décor

Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space

Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trend

7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse

Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey

2024 Modern Homesteading – What You Are Missing Out

Urban Homesteading: A Guide to Thriving in an Urban Environment

From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide

small garden done right – 4 steps fun

EASY rooftop garden: master your Green Thumbs!

Additional Tips for a Successful Summer Garden

Planting seasonally is important to maintain a thriving garden.

Warm-season varieties include tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, and summer squash. 

As temperatures cool, consider planting cool-loving vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, kohlrabi, lettuce, and spinach to enjoy continued harvests.

Regular tasks in the vegetable garden nclude planting flowers before it gets too hot, refreshing mulch to prevent weeds, and deadheading flowers to maintain vibrant colors.

Benefits of the summer vegetable garden :


Improve Your Health:

Fresh vegetables are a central part of a healthy diet. Growing your veggies ensures access to nutrient-rich, organic produce. Gardening itself is a great physical activity that promotes well-being.


Save Money on Food:

Stocking up on fresh produce from your garden means having more food to enjoy for weeks or even months without spending money on store-bought vegetables.



Homegrown vegetables reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting produce from distant locations. You can avoid plastic packaging and pesticides by growing your food.


Effective and Enjoyable Workout:

Gardening involves physical exertion, from digging and planting to weeding and harvesting. it’s a rewarding way to stay active and connect with nature.

Remember these tips for successful summer vegetable gardening:


Water Consistently:
Slow and steady watering is crucial. Consider installing drip irrigation to maintain soil moisture and prevent crops from bolting too quickly.


Sow Fall Crops:

Plant short-season crops like arugula, lettuce, and beans for a fall harvest.



If growing large fruits like pumpkins, thin out the fruit to allow the vine to focus energy on one prize-winning specimen.


Apply Organic Fertilizer:

Use slow-release, granular organic fertilizers to give plants a gentle boost1.

Garden Plans Summer 2024 Read More »

the best quiche you’ll ever have – easy&simple

This recipe is my GO-TO easy dinner when I want to impress. This quiche had a buttery crust with cheesy, custardy, vegetables but also anything-you-have-in-the-fridge kinda filling is just SO good. 

The best part is you can make a big batch of the dough and freeze it! I frequently make sure I have 1-2 pie crusts ready in the freezer for whenever I need them.


This Quiche isn’t only delicious and simple but also very impressive. If you have guests coming and you don’t know what to make, or if guests are coming at a weird time of the day, quiche and simple salad for main course with warm and gooey molasses cookies are the perfect easy summery lunch 

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

Why you will love this recipe:

Straightforward – This recipe is easy! make the crust, chill, shape it onto the pan, and par-bake. Add all the ingredients of the filling in a bowl and mix, fill the half-baked crust and continue baking until done.

Super Tasty – Is there anything better than a buttery cheesy quiche with a refreshing salad on the side? perfect summer meal!

Perfect for Hosting – This recipe makes the best hosting recipe as it is easy to make a big batch, the dough freezes beautifully, so whip up the filling, and let the oven do its work.

Farm Problems – If you’re in abundance of eggs and milk in the summer this is the perfect way to use them up!

tart vs quiche vs pie vs gallete

The main difference between tart and quiche is that tart can be sweet and savory while quiche is always savory. 
quiche is made with pie crust while tart is made with pastry crust. quiche is more egg-heavy while tart is more cream-heavy. 

My Favorite Dessert Crust – GALLETE

 a type of free-form pie dough baked on a sheet pan. To make a galette, a flakey dough is rolled out into a large circular shape; a filling of choice is arranged in the center of the dough, leaving a border. The border is then partially folded over the filling, leaving the middle exposed for a peek as to what’s waiting on the inside

and guess what? this recipe can be used for a quiche or gallete!

What can you fill your quiche with?

my quiches are made with anything i have in the fridge, leftover ground meat or sausage, any type of cheese, vegetable, or leafy greens. frozen vegetables also work here!

Ingredients list:

  • flour – All Purpose Flour is perfect for this recipe but any will do
  • Butter – cold
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Spices: salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder
  • Cheese
  • Leftover Meat Or sausage (optional)
  • Vegetables of choice


measuring cups

measuring spoons

Mixing Bowl

Mixing Spoon

quiche\pie\tart pans

baking sheet



cut the butter with a knife into small cubes, add to the flour and brake the butter pieces into small pea-sized pieces. 

make sure you work with cold butter to make the dough as flakey as possible.

if you have you can also use a mixer/food processor.


the goal is to try and keep the butter as cold as possible when incorporating the ingredients together. the colder the dough will be the flaker the crust will turn out.

add ice water to flour and water and a pinch of salt until a dough is formed.


divide the dough in half, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes

STEP 4 – filling

Meanwhile make the filling for the Quiche, simply mix all the ingredients together until combined.

STEP 4 – mold crust

if you wish to freeze your dough you can do it now,

tightly wrap with plastic wrap and freezes well for up to 5 months.

with the dough you have left, roll the dough until slightly bigger than your pie dish.

gently place the dough in the dish and fold any excess to make the edges slightly thicker.

with a fork poke holes in your pie crust and par-bake for 15 minutes.

STEP 5 – fill  and Bake

after the par-bake while still hot fill the quiche with your filling. bake according to quiche instructions. 


Store in an air-tight container in the fridge. Eat within 2-3 days for best results. 

filling ideas:

  • bacon, goat cheese and diced tomatoes
  • sausage, potatoes, cottage and cheddar cheese
  • sweet potatoes, goat cheese, zucchini 
  • quiche Lorraine – bacon/ham, sautéed onion, gruyere cheese

I hope that you found this information to be helpful and that you enjoy making some of the best soft molasses cookies you’ve eaten!


If you try this recipe and love it, I would love if you could come back and give it 5 stars! 

Easy French Farmhouse Quiche

my go-to easy dinner when you want to impress, freezable buttery crust with a custardy cheese filling.. A MUST TRY!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Course Appetizer, Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine european, French, international
Servings 2 Quiche


  • 1 bowl
  • 1 kitchen scale optional
  • 1 tbsp
  • 1 fork
  • 2 pie crust
  • 1 plastic wrap


  • 0.5 cup cold cubed butter 120 grams
  • 1.5 cups all purpose flour 180 grams
  • 2 tsp salt 14 grams
  • 4-8 tbsp ice water
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup heavy cream 250grams/250ml
  • your choice of seasoning for the filling
  • 0.5 cup your choice of vegetables
  • 1.5 cups cheddar cheese 150 grams
  • 0.5 cup diced cold cut meat of choice


  • mix cold butter with flour until butter pieces are pea-sized. add salt and ice water until incorporated into ball
  • divided dough in half and chill in fridge for 30 min
  • make filling: mix all the ingredients and season to your liking
  • mold dough into pie crust, make sure to poke holes with fork
  • par-bake the dough for 15 minutes at 340F 170C
  • add the mixed filling to the pie crusts
  • bake for an additional 60 minutes until golden and cooked all the way through, if too brown before not cooked all the way add foil at the top to stop the browning
Keyword easy, easy dinner, fast dinner, go-to, simple, weeknight dinner


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the best quiche you’ll ever have – easy&simple Read More »

MUST TRY – BEST Sourdough Pancakes

These Sourdough Pancakes are my Achilles’ heel hands down.

Since Childhood Every time I was asked what I wanted for breakfast I automatically answered PANCAKES. however, regular pancakes were always considered a treat. only on birthdays or weekends, especially due to the fact they made me so puffy! therefore this recipe was made! delicious, healthier, easier-to-digest sourdough pancakes!

While many prefer large pancakes. I grew up with my father making small-sized pancakes, and then instead of one, we would get several. 

As I grew older I realized making small pancakes takes less time! less time = faster breakfast is made. That a win in my book/

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

Why you will love this  sourdough pancakes recipe :

Fast- this recipe comes together in minutes. mix all the ingredients in a bowl and start frying up these pancakes!

Easy- I’m the first to say that sourdough can be difficult… this recipe is easy and perfect for beginners

Delicious- these pancakes are a crowd-pleaser for sure!

Flexible- for this recipe you can use sourdough discard or fluffy sourdough starter! both work perfectly

Ingredients list:

  • Sourdough Starter\Discard 
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Baking Powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Honey
  • Vanilla Extract (Optional)


Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons

Mixing Bowl

Frying Pan



From scratch recipes, self-sufficient living, and handmade projects straight to your inbox

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HOW TO MAKE THE BEST Sourdough pancakes


Melt butter in the pan. meanwhile combine the egg, butter, and sourdough starter in a bowl. when the butter it melted pour it in the batter and mix vigorously. return the pan to the stove keeping it hot.


Next, Add the baking powder and baking to the batter and whisk it all very well until a smooth but fluffy cloud-like batter forms.  

STEP 3 – Fry the Pancakes

Finally, with the leftover butter still in the pan fry 5-6 small pancakes in the pan on medium heat. the batter is VERY soft! that is to say it burns quite quickly so be careful not to burn them. 


most importantly! Serve with maple syrup and eat warm!

#tip – The first batch is always the “practice batch”, by the second and third they will look perfect!

this recipe is a must-try for any pancake lover! They are extra fluffy, super flavorful and way easier to digest, with those butter-fried edges..! it’s a dream come true! Let my know what you think

Must Try- Sourdough Pancakes

A childhood FAVORITE I can't shake it off!! I made it my mission to find a more digestible recipe of my all-time favorite breakfast and I'm happy to share it with you! you must try this healthier more sophisticated version of the beloved breakfast. SUPER fluffy, sweet-enough pancakes soaking in real maple syrup are my Achilles heel!
Prep Time 4 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 2 People


  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Whisk
  • Frying pan
  • Spatula


  • 1 cup Sourdough StarterDiscard
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 2 tbsp Honey
  • 2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract Optional



  • Melt butter in the pan. meanwhile combine the egg, butter, and sourdough starter in a bowl. when the butter it melted pour it in the batter and mix vigorously. return the pan to the stove keeping it hot.


  • Add baking powder and baking and whisk it all very well until a smooth but fluffy cloud-like batter forms.


  • with the leftover butter fry 5-6 small pancakes in the pan on medium heat. the batter is VERY soft and burns quite quickly so be careful not to burn them.


  • serve with maple syrup and eat warm!
Keyword easy, sourdough

I hope that you found this information to be helpful and that you enjoy making some of the best sourdough pancake you’ve eaten!

If you try this recipe and love it, I would love if you could come back and give it 5 stars! 

MUST TRY – BEST Sourdough Pancakes Read More »

Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey

Step into the enchanting world of our urban farmhouse, where rustic charm meets contemporary allure. Nestled between the bustling cityscape, and down by the river, this haven embraces the harmony of old-world nostalgia and modern elegance. Every corner whispers stories of a bygone era while embracing the spirit of innovation.

As you walk down the local natural river stream (hence our blog’s name) and enter through the homemade wooden garden gate, an immediate sense of nature and comfort envelops your soul. The earthy tones dance effortlessly with natural light pouring through out small windows, creating an ethereal ambiance that invites serenity into every nook and cranny.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!


The heart of this urban farmhouse beats passionately in its open-concept living space. Our house, not small enough to be referred to as a tiny house is a renovated part of a bigger house. There is no impressive fireplace or exposed beams but thick walls, old pipes, and a wonderfully sized garden waiting to host more gatherings, ready to ignite intimate conversations and cozy gatherings during chilly evenings.


The kitchen is a culinary sanctuary that celebrates both functionality and aesthetics. Reused vintage cabinet turned kitchen island, beautiful art on the walls and colorful jar of spices bring character while providing ample storage for all your gastronomic treasures. The gleaming marble countertops reflect flickering candles as you prepare delectable feasts to be savored with loved ones around a handcrafted farmhouse kitchen island table.

Our goal is to bring back that nostalgic feeling by curating an experience that combines the best of both worlds – urban convenience with rural authenticity.


At Farmhouse Downstream, we want to inspire and ignite your creativity. Join us for cooking recipes guiding you through the art of preserving, fermenting, and canning – skills that were once essential on every farmhouse table. Discover the joy of making your own pickles or crafting homemade jams using fruits harvested at their peak. As part of our commitment to fostering a sense of community, we also plan to host regular online events. Get ready to be inspired by the unique blend of old-world charm and contemporary style that defines the urban farmhouse aesthetic. read more about us here

read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:

Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space

7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse

From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide

By adopting this mindset, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to creating more sustainable cities that foster a sense of belonging and harmony for all residents.


From scratch recipes, self-sufficient living, and handmade projects straight to your inbox

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Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey Read More »

Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trends – dos and don’t

What is Urban Farmhouse Décor Style? Step into an urban farmhouse and you’ll immediately feel a sense of tranquility wash over you.

The soothing color palettes, often featuring soft neutrals like cream, beige, and gray, create a serene atmosphere that encourages relaxation. Combined with natural textures such as distressed wood floors or exposed brick walls, every corner exudes a timeless beauty.


Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!


The heart of any urban farmhouse is undoubtedly the kitchen a gathering place for family and friends alike. Imagine preparing delicious meals on a spacious butcher block island while enjoying the company of loved ones seated around a large farm table nearby. Open shelves adorned with vintage mason jars filled with colorful spices add a touch of whimsy to this culinary sanctuary.

Lone Fox Beautiful Kitchen


In an urban farmhouse bedroom, comfort reigns supreme. Soft linens in muted tones invite you to sink into plush pillows after a long day’s work. A weathered barn door serves as both functional room divider and striking focal point – effortlessly blending form and function in one stunning piece.

Heidi Caillier Design - The Cabin + The Snug

urban farmhouse Décor

When it comes to Décor in an urban farmhouse, less is more. Thoughtfully curated vintage finds are artfully juxtaposed against sleek modern pieces for an eclectic yet cohesive look. An antique armoire housing your television stands next to sleek leather couches; delicate lace curtains frame tall windows overlooking cityscapes.

Classic Country Room Ideas

Urban Farmhouse 2024 Trend Forecast

In 2024 Pinterest yearly trend forecast Pinterest identified Western gothic—a style that features a mix of vintage americana chic, with deep, moody hues. Sultry touches, dark fringes, and even darker paints —as its top home trend for 2024. 

Pinterest collected data that shows the most high-growing audience searches are predicted to be for Western bedding ideas, vintage Americana, country room ideas, and western gothic style.

western bedding ideas

Gallatin Gateway Ranch Gallatin Gateway, Montana

vintage americana

country room ideas

Whimsical Garden County Room Ideas
Equestrian Chic Country Room Ideas

western mirror

western gothic

regrouping after 2023 décor trend of Hipstoric Homes – a mix of 20th-century interiors with a modern eclectic accents. 2024 returns to the roots of the “modern farmhouse” made urban, chic, and carefully collected. Not more mass-produced designs pre-pandemic, and instead, celebrating the past with timeworn antiques and re-imagined vintage Americana pieces.

how to urban farmhouse décor style 2024

Creating a Functional Space, Decorating with reclaimed materials, vintage natural wood furniture, a combination of fabric and moody color schemes.

Choosing multi-purpose furniture for small living spaces and multi-purpose kitchen appliances. functionality is key in urban farmhouse décor 2024. No more decorative wooden beads on shelves or numerous kitchen appliances. Opt for simple, wooden, functional well-made furniture and appliances that will last a lifetime. Frugal living is at its peak in 2024.

High-quality curated collections are back in and we love it. remember curating takes time! Years in the making! So start getting comfortable with living in a not-perfect environment for a while now.


From scratch recipes, self-sufficient living, and handmade projects straight to your inbox

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read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:

Urban Farmhouse functional House Décor

Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space

7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse

Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey

2024 Modern Homesteading – What You Are Missing Out

Urban Homesteading: A Guide to Thriving in an Urban Environment

From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide

small garden done right – 4 steps fun

EASY rooftop garden: master your Green Thumbs!

Urban farmhouse mindset – simple ways to win in life – 2024

Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trends – dos and don’t Read More »

Urban farmhouse Mindset – Simple Ways to win in life- 2024

What is an Urban Farmhouse Mindset? At its core, the Urban Farmhouse Mindset is about embracing simplicity and sustainability in city living. It combines elements of both urban and rural lifestyles to create a harmonious balance between modern convenience and a connection with nature.

Whether you live in a bustling city or a quiet countryside, achieving success and contentment in life is the ultimate goal. In today’s fast-paced world, finding a harmonious balance between urban living and the timeless charm of the farmhouse mindset has become increasingly popular.

Welcome! I'm Einav

Greetings! I'm delighted that you discovered my little piece of online paradise. Join me as we relish in the comforts of our home centered lifestyle, living naturally, from-scratch cooking, and establishing a home that's a true reflection of who we are. Let's celebrate the everyday beauty of life together!

The concept of an urban farmhouse embodies the best of both worlds, seamlessly blending contemporary city life with element of the simple life in the country that evoke warmth and tranquility. This article explores how embracing the principles of an urban farmhouse can help individuals find their own unique path to fulfillment, joy, and triumph in all aspects of life.

The definition of Urban Farmhouse Living

is a blend of country farm-style living which is purposeful, simple, hands-on individual lifestyle with elements of the modern life. Incorporating sustainable practices.  Having an urban farmhouse mindset means to have healthier lifestyle choices! Prioritizing access to fresh, organic produce from local farmer’s markets or personal gardens. Encouraging to cook at home using whole ingredients. 

urban farmhouse living

connecting to nature and becoming more sustainable, many new studies show how beneficial being in nature is to your mental health. Living greener does mean leaving happier. Make sure you get at least 120 minutes per week How Much Time Should You Spend Outside? Just a Brief Period Boosts Health (inverse.com). while remembering everyone is different and some people need to be more outside to feel the benefits.

Creating green spaces within urban environments through rooftop gardens or indoor plants is a great idea to bring the outdoors indoors. Try adding living plants to you work area, everyday herbs into your kitchen and some tropical plants that love humidity into your bathroom. You won’t believe the difference they make.    

Embracing eco-friendly practices such as using organic produce, buying second hand, going paperless, repurposing glass jars can make a big difference. Check out these ideas to live a more sustainable lifestyle. 100+ Simple Tips To Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle (theminimalistvegan.com)

one of the most important things in the urban farmhouse mindset is Community Engagement. Inviting neighbors to participate in gardening projects or shared community spaces like outdoor dining areas or communal kitchens.

read more about implementing an urban farmhouse lifestyle is these posts:

Urban Farmhouse functional House Décor

Growing Your Own Food in a small garden space

Urban Farmhouse Décor – 2024 popular trend

7 Simple Ways To Refine Your Urban Farmhouse

Unveiling the Charm of an Urban Farmhouse: A Blog Journey

2024 Modern Homesteading – What You Are Missing Out

Urban Homesteading: A Guide to Thriving in an Urban Environment

From Apartment to Farmhouse: Ultimate Guide

small garden done right – 4 steps fun

EASY rooftop garden: master your Green Thumbs!

The Urban Farmhouse Mindset:

Embracing Simplicity and Sustainability in City Living In a fast-paced, concrete jungle like the city, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose touch with nature. However, there is a growing movement that seeks to bring the essence of rural living into urban environments – the Urban Farmhouse Mindset.

Key Principles of an Urban Farmhouse Mindset:

1.Embracing Small-Scale Agriculture: The mindset encourages individuals to incorporate small-scale farming practices into their urban homes. This can include growing herbs or vegetables on balconies or rooftops, keeping chickens for fresh eggs, or even participating in community gardens.


2. Prioritizing Sustainable Practices: Sustainability plays a crucial role in the Urban Farmhouse Mindset. From using eco-friendly materials when renovating homes to reducing energy consumption through solar panels or rainwater harvesting systems – every decision is made with environmental impact in mind.

3. Promoting Local Food Systems: Supporting local farmers and food producers is another important aspect of this mindset. By sourcing food from nearby farms or farmers’ markets, individuals contribute to sustainable agricultural practices while enjoying fresher, healthier produce.

4. Embracing Minimalism: In line with farmhouse aesthetics, adopting minimalism as a lifestyle choice helps reduce clutter and focus on what truly matters. By decluttering our homes and lives from unnecessary possessions, we create space for mindfulness and appreciation for simpler things.

5. Cultivating Connection with Nature: Despite living amidst skyscrapers and busy streets, those who embrace the Urban Farmhouse Mindset make it a point to connect with nature regularly. Whether it’s spending time in local parks, creating green spaces within their homes, or even practicing mindfulness outdoors – finding ways to immerse oneself in nature enhances well-being and fosters a sense of peace.

Benefits of the Urban Farmhouse Mindset:

  1. Improved Mental Health
  2. Cost savings
  3. Healthier eating habits
  4. Reduced ecological footprint
  5. Community engagement and resilience

In an era where urbanization and fast-paced living dominate, the urban farmhouse mindset offers a refreshing perspective on sustainable living. Combining elements of rural charm with modern convenience, this mindset encourages individuals to embrace a more mindful and eco-friendly way of life. By adopting an urban farmhouse mindset, people can reap numerous benefits that extend beyond personal well-being to encompass environmental conservation and community resilience.


In conclusion,

the urban farmhouse mindset is a powerful and transformative approach to living. By combining the charm and simplicity of rural farm life with the convenience and vibrancy of urban living, individuals can create a harmonious and balanced lifestyle that promotes connection, sustainability, and well-being.

Through embracing the principles of simplicity, authenticity, community, and resourcefulness, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in their daily lives.

Whether it involves growing your own food on a rooftop garden or repurposing old materials for home decor, the urban farmhouse mindset encourages us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity while making conscious choices that positively impact our environment and communities.

By adopting this mindset, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to creating more sustainable cities that foster a sense of belonging and harmony for all residents.


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Urban farmhouse Mindset – Simple Ways to win in life- 2024 Read More »

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